We aim to create awareness that often we are the biggest obstacle to our individual success.  Recognizing the internal conflicts or blockages and creating awareness of the external influences, can stop us to be our best version.

What do you think or feel, when you hear the following sentences? 

“If I had a lot of money; I could have done so many things I dream of!”

„Once burnt, twice cautious, I trust no one anymore! “

„Money does not fall from the skies, why should one still reach for the stars.”

„ I am already over the hill and not young enough for a change in my career.“

„Never in a million years!“

„At this age I will not get a job anyway!”

“……………… are really all the same!”

“Better the evil that you already know”

This way or in a similar way people think or express themselves in everyday life. Daily life is already a burden and is getting ever more severe. Your wish is not your reality.

Why is this so?

Is there any way out of this situation?


To be aware of the internal conflicts or blockages that restrict or even impede your life, has a very big impact on our dream to come true.

Find your true calling. 

Like all my workshops, this is also enriched with relevant books and films as well as projects, you will take part in an entertaining workshop that will motivate you on your way to happiness. 

Do you want to keep on complaining or living your desires?

For more Information 

Call today 0049.5031.974 43 24 or send an E-Mail to info@be-uniq.de